Family Relationship: Why Is It Important And How To Build It?

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Family Relationship: Why Is It Important And How To Build It?

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Family Relationship: Why Is It Important And How To Build It?

Life is much easier when you have a supportive family that sticks with you through thick and thin. Family relationship is important for a person at every stage of life. When life gets hard and starts to grip away from your control, the kind words of your mother, spouse, or siblings calm your soul and give you the strength and courage to take on life head-on. In this post, we talk about the importance of family, its characteristics, and ways to build a strong relationship with family members.

In This ArticleWhat Constitutes a Family? Nuclear families comprise a couple and their children

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A family constitutes people who are related to each other and share an emotional bond and similar values. Family members can be related by birth, marriage, or adoption.

Your immediate family includes parents, siblings, spouse, and children. And your extended family includes people you are related to, such as grandparents, cousins, aunts & uncles, nephews, nieces etc.

Families are of different sizes — nuclear (a couple and their children), joint (a couple, their children, grandchildren), blended (a couple, their children, and children from their previous marriages), etc.

Related: Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family  Why are Family Relationships Important? In a family, all the members feel safe and connected

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A family is important because our mental growth, well-being, and stability all depend on our family.

A family makes all its members feel safe and connected to one another. It provides us with the comfort of having people by our side during tough times, helping us to manage our stress. A family allows us to feel safe, protected, accepted and loved despite our shortcomings. Families are the basic units that teach children about relationships. Children brought up in a healthy family will be able to form better bonds outside their home. Strong relationships teach us how to build trust in others as family members share both good and bad times together. Conflicts in family teach children a respectful way to resolve problems in the future. A strong family is all a person needs to become confident in life.What are the Characteristics of a Strong Family? A strong family focuses on the well being of every member

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Each family is different. But all strong families have some common features. A few of them are listed below:

Have good communication. A healthy family talks and listens to its every member. It encourages adults and children alike to have a say in the decision making, share their opinions, or talk about their expectations and disappointments. Share a feeling of togetherness. The members of the family share common beliefs and, therefore, feel connected to each other. This sense of similarity yields psychological affirmation and one has the satisfaction of being together with like-minded people. Spend time with each other. They make sure to have at least one meal together every day. They enjoy playing, camping, dining out or simply discussing politics. They actively involve themselves in each other’s lives but know where to draw a line. Show care and affection to every member. The members have kind words to say each other. They accept you unconditionally but guide you on to the right path if you are deviating. With their care and affection, they make you feel belonged. Lead by example. The elders follow what they teach the younger members of the family. The value system is set up by example.Related: 35 Cute Ways To Show Love And Affection In A Relationship Support its members. The world might be against you, but your family is with you. It supports you in your fight, and lets you know they are with you in your decisions. A well-knit family does not discriminate between family members and responds to everybody’s needs. See a crisis situation as an opportunity to grow. They strive to see something positive in all circumstances, helping you to cope with adverse situations without getting overwhelmed. Focus on every member’s well-being. The family members work as a team to protect and provide for each other. Only the feeling of mutual love can motivate people into compromising on their comforts for the happiness of their family. Show resilience. Every family goes through ups and downs in their lives and share a painful experience together. But no distressing experience loosens the bond. The virtue of loyalty comes from a family.

Remember that all these virtues of a strong family do not come overnight. You need to work together for years to build a healthy family.

How to build strong family relationships?

Here are some ways to build strong family connections:

1. Spend quality time A strong family values spending quality time together

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Set aside some time (maybe meal times) every day as family time, when you can talk about things and laugh together.

Share family stories or ask everyday simple things to encourage conversation, such as “Hey, what did you do today in the school?”, “How are you finding your new Math teacher?” Set aside one-on-one chat time for everyone in the family to foster your bond. It can merely be five minutes before going to bed, but this can bring every member close to one another. Set some time apart exclusively for your partner.

protip_icon Quick tipEstablish daily rituals that will bring the family together. It may be sharing a meal, watching television, praying, or playing games with everyone in the family.Related: 10 Ways To Create Family Bonding And Its Importance2. Maintain good communication with everyone in the family

When your children or spouse want to talk, respect their need and listen to them with attention. Give them enough time to express themselves properly.

Be approachable to talk about difficult things. Talking about feelings like anger or frustration or delicate issues should be welcomed instead of shunning them. Talking about them doesn’t mean you are encouraging them but are helping solve the problem. Also be welcoming even for uncomfortable conversations. That is how people build trust that they can go to family with any issue. Be ready for a spontaneous conversation with kids. They often talk about their feelings before going to bed or in the shower. Listen to them. Be prepared to talk about matters of concern, especially with teenagers. Families find it difficult to discuss sex, alcohol, drugs or finances with the younger members. However, it is through a conversation that you can address such matters. Encourage non-verbal conversation through simple gestures like a warm kiss on the forehead every night before your children go to bed. It can relay your love to them.3. Appreciate everyone in the family

Appreciate every member for performing their duties well. For example, praising and thanking a teenager for taking care of a younger sibling will make them feel important.

4. Acknowledge and celebrate each other’s talents, differences and strengths

A good family always cherishes the uniqueness of each of its members and acknowledges their abilities and strengths. At the same time, they help each other correct their shortcomings.

5. Stay focused on the current problem

Do not bring up previous issues every time you have to address a problem. In that way, you can avoid unpleasantness and instead, focus on the issue at hand.

6. Work like a team Encourage children to participate in household chores

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When your family works as a team, every member feels acknowledged for their contribution. Share household chores. Allow little children to participate in chores like picking up their toys or putting their shoes back.

7. Establish clear family rules

Make family rules that clearly mention how every member should behave and treat each other. For example, “We talk respectfully with everyone in our family,” or “In our family, we help each other no matter what.” Such small but clear rules can make the family stronger and peaceful.

8. Teach children to forgive and make amends

Healthy families teach its members how to apologize, and forgive others when someone makes a mistake. It teaches children to take responsibility for their actions. Try to have fun family rituals, which are special to your family, to increase the sense of belongingness.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a family relationship in simple words?

A family relationship involves interaction between all the members. It typically includes living under one roof, communicating, taking care of each other, dealing with challenges, carrying forward family traditions, and giving each member a sense of belonging.

2. What makes a good family relationship?

Just like any relationship, a family relationship also requires constant nurturing. A good family relationship is possible only by prompt and effective communication, spending quality time together, protecting and caring for each other, and providing emotional and other support.

3. What are the examples of a family relationship?

Family relationships include various kinships in a larger family setup. Examples of family relationships are husbands and wives, parents and children, in-laws, and family of spouses, to name a few.

The first relationship that you establish after birth is with your family. When life seems challenging, your family plays a role in supporting you. Good communication, a feeling of togetherness, and constant support are common features of an affectionate family. To establish a stronger bond with your family, spend quality time with them, appreciate their efforts, and work together. People living in loving families have better attitudes and richer values. However, creating such families is not easy. It requires hard work and dedication to stay together and achieve a common goal.

Infographic: What Are The Characteristics Of A Strong Family?

Having the support of your family members through life’s ups and downs gives you the strength to face all kinds of situations and emerge stronger. The infographic below presents a list of characteristics that define a strong family. Please read and share it with your kith and kin. attributes of a healthy and happy family (infographic) Save

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Download Infographic in PDF version Download Infographic Download Infographic in PDF versionKey Takeaways Our mental development and overall happiness are shaped by family relationships. A strong family is characterized by feelings of safety, acceptance, love, and effective communication. Building strong family relationships requires spending quality time together, practicing good communication, showing appreciation, and having resilience. To strengthen family relationships, members should communicate and listen actively to each other, be approachable, and acknowledge each other’s contributions.Was this article helpful?thumbsupthumbsdownThe following two tabs change content below.ReviewerAuthor Dr. Sadhvi MythiliMBBS, Psychiatristfacebook_iconinstagram_iconyoutube_iconWith a passion for reading and understanding about the human mind and how it functions, Dr Sadhvi Mythili took up Psychiatry after completing her graduation in Medicine from Kakatiya Medical College, Telangana. She pursued post graduation from the prestigious Asha Hospital. With over five years of experience in Psychiatry (adult and child), Dr. Mythili is currently working with Apollo Clinic...more Kalpana MMA (English)linkedin_iconKalpana Nadimpalli graduated in English Literature and Psychology. Her fascination for the corporate world made her do a Masters in Business Administration from Andhra University. Being a mother of two boys, she could naturally fit into the shoes of a writer at MomJunction. She wrote articles on new parenting and relationships. With around seven years of experience, Kalpana previously worked...moreLATEST ARTICLES 45 of the Most Effective Ways To Display Love and Respect to Your Parents 45 of the Most Effective Ways To Display Love and Respect to Your Parents 45 of the Most Effective Ways To Display Love and Respect to Your Parents 45 of the Most Effective Ways To Display Love and Respect to Your Parents When You Feel Attracted To Someone, Do They Feel It Too? 15 Signs When You Feel Attracted To Someone, Do They Feel It Too? 15 Signs When You Feel Attracted To Someone, Do They Feel It Too? 15 Signs When You Feel Attracted To Someone, Do They Feel It Too? 15 Signs relationship-moving-too-fast 9 Subtle Signs Your Relationship Is Moving Too Fast relationship-moving-too-fast 9 Subtle Signs Your Relationship Is Moving Too Fast How To Make Your Ex Jealous 15 Incredible Ways To Make Your Ex Jealous Of You How To Make Your Ex Jealous 15 Incredible Ways To Make Your Ex Jealous Of You valentine-day-background-compass-love-red-534035545 Will I Ever Find Love: 34 Things You Need To Remember valentine-day-background-compass-love-red-534035545 Will I Ever Find Love: 34 Things You Need To Remember How To Start A Conversation With A Guy 25 Simple Ways To Do How To Start A Conversation With A Guy: 25 Simple Ways To Do How To Start A Conversation With A Guy 25 Simple Ways To Do How To Start A Conversation With A Guy: 25 Simple Ways To Do Are Leo And Leo Compatible Leo And Leo Compatibility In Love, Sex And Friendship Are Leo And Leo Compatible Leo And Leo Compatibility In Love, Sex And Friendship Are Pisces And Cancer Compatible Pisces And Cancer: Compatibility In Sex, Love And Life Are Pisces And Cancer Compatible Pisces And Cancer: Compatibility In Sex, Love And Life 121 Instagram Captions For Boys 121 Cool And Funny Instagram Captions For Boys In 2023 121 Instagram Captions For Boys 121 Cool And Funny Instagram Captions For Boys In 2023




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